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About the region
Abruzzo (Abruzzo) is a modest Italian region located on the Adriatic coast, in the heart of the Apennines, in the highest part. The dominant peak of Corno Grande (Corno Grande - 2912 m) and the surrounding massifs are an ideal place for ski resorts, which are long overdue for many tourists. The territory of Abruzzo is mountainous with a humped narrow coast. Bordered by Marche to the north, Lazio to the west, Molise to the south; in the east is the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coast is 131 km. The territory of Abruzzo has been inhabited since prehistoric times.Archaeological finds of the Stone Age (along the v ...

Abruzzo (Abruzzo) is a modest Italian region located on the Adriatic coast, in the heart of the Apennines, in the highest part. The dominant peak of Corno Grande (Corno Grande - 2912 m) and the surrounding massifs are an ideal place for ski resorts, which are long overdue for many tourists.

The territory of Abruzzo is mountainous with a humped narrow coast. Bordered by Marche to the north, Lazio to the west, Molise to the south; in the east is the Adriatic Sea, the length of the coast is 131 km.

The territory of Abruzzo has been inhabited since prehistoric times.Archaeological finds of the Stone Age (along the valleys of the rivers Tronto, Vibrati, Sangro), Bronze Age (at the site of the dried Lake Fucino), Iron Age (in particular in the municipalities of Loreto-Aprutino, Capestrano), as well as archaeological sites of the Sannite tribes were discovered 8–4 Art. to n. e. In the 4th–3rd centuries to n. e. the Roman conquest of the region, its active economic development (amphitheatres, theaters, temples, thermal baths, roads, irrigation systems) took place.
After the decline of the Roman Empire (until the 12th century), Abruzzo was captured by barbarian tribes. From the 13th century the territory was ruled by the German, later the Angevin dynasty, from the 15th century. came Spanish rule, which led to the decline of the territory.
During the 18th and 19th centuries Abruzzo was part of the Kingdom of Neapolitan and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. 1861–1946 Abruzzo part of the Kingdom of Italy, and from 1946 the Republic of Italy.

The Apennines, running through the region in three parallel ranges, occupy most of Abruzzo. Here are located the highest point of the Apennines, Corno Grande (2912 m) and the Calderone glacier. Part of the territory between the coast and the Apennines is hilly, formed by clayey rocks that form landslides during prolonged rainfall. Mountain rivers are small, with a rapid flow, flowing into the Adriatic Sea, the largest is Aterno Pescara. Climatic conditions are formed under the influence of the mountainous terrain, characterized by cold and harsh winters in the mountains and warm and humid on the coast. In the summer, there is a lot of precipitation in the mountains, and it is dry on the coast. The climate is also influenced by the winds blowing from the northern part of Africa.

Abruzzo is a wine region on the eastern Adriatic coast of Italy, located in the middle of the 'boot'. The varietal stars of the region are the red Montepulciano and the white Trebbiano grapes.



Pescara is a provincial town located 155 km from Rome on the opposite side of the "Italian boot" - the coast of the Adriatic Sea. This city has become a transport hub, the gateway to the Abruzzo region.The international airport of Pescara (Aeroporto Internazionale d'Abruzzo...
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