Daalu Atoll, also known as South Niland Atoll, is located 150 km north of Male Atoll and 5 km from Faafu Atoll. A seaplane flight to this main island of the atoll takes 40 minutes.
Daalu Atoll is 38 km long and 23 km wide and has about 46 islands, many of which are uninhabited. It was recently opened for tourism. The islands, which are allowed to be visited by tourists, are located in the northern part of the atoll, where diving lovers can relax.
Locals call it "Turtle Island". Therefore, the main attraction of the atoll is the turtles, which can be seen underwater.
The main island of Daalu Atoll is Kudahuvadu Island. This is a fairly large island with developed infrastructure and a population of 1,500 people. As historical sights on the island, you can visit the ruins of ancient Buddhist monasteries, as well as an ancient mosque made of carved coral stone.
Faafu Atoll is located south of Ari Atoll. The atoll, 30 km long and 27 km wide, has about 23 islands, 5 of which are inhabited and only one island has a developed infrastructure for receiving tourists. Most of the islands of the atoll are located in its western part and provide excellent opportunities for diving. Geographically, the inner part of the atoll is similar to Ari Atoll with many coral reefs.