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About country
Portugal is a country for experienced hedonists. Wandering through the cozy streets of its cities, you can for a moment feel like you are somewhere in Spain or Southern France. With only one fundamental difference: there are almost no ubiquitous tourists of the “galloping through Europe” format here, this place is more for wealthy travelers who prefer a special, elite vacation. Here, traditions are valued, rich historical heritage is respected, people know how to enjoy lif ...

Portugal is a country for experienced hedonists. Wandering through the cozy streets of its cities, you can for a moment feel like you are somewhere in Spain or Southern France. With only one fundamental difference: there are almost no ubiquitous tourists of the “galloping through Europe” format here, this place is more for wealthy travelers who prefer a special, elite vacation. Here, traditions are valued, rich historical heritage is respected, people know how to enjoy life and do not skimp on comfort, creating it for themselves and for guests who are dear in every sense.

Inhaling the smell of oranges and eucalyptus, walking along the embankments, enjoying wine to the sad songs of fado in colorful cafes, you can get to know the real Europe a little better - the one that is too proud and beautiful to participate in tourist races.


The capital is Lisbon, which became the center of the country in the 13th century, was destroyed by an earthquake 5 centuries later, but quickly regained its greatness. The most famous landmark is the Castle of St. George: a formidable fortress on a hill, which once belonged to the Moorish emir, and then to the Portuguese kings. The Lisbon Cathedral also survived the earthquake, in whose image you can guess the features of Rococo, Baroque, Gothic and Neoclassicism. In the vicinity of the capital there are beaches - a number of fashionable resorts, called the Lisbon Riviera.

The main decoration of Lisbon is the winding streets of the old districts: winding between neat houses with azulejos decor, you can't help but feel the mood of the city.

The second most visited city is Porto, which dates back to the 4th century. It is better to start your acquaintance with the capital of port wine - no, not with a bar - with the historical center, protected by UNESCO. Here are both the cathedral, resembling a fortress, and the impressively large church of São Francisco. Tired of monumentality, it is worth going to the Ribeira district: its multi-colored houses, as if glued to each other, look charming. And after the excursion, it is time to relax on any of the city's pebble or sandy beaches.

50 km north of Porto is Braga - the center of Portuguese Catholicism with the residence of the archbishop. It is not surprising that the main tourist attractions here are cathedrals and churches built in Gothic, Romanesque and other styles. The main attraction of Coimbra is the oldest university in the country: a complex of elegant Baroque buildings, including the former royal palace. And there is also excellent shopping here: it is impossible to leave without buying from numerous bookstores, boutiques and antique shops.

Évora is an ideal place for gastronomic delights: local cheeses, desserts and wines are beyond praise. You can whet your appetite by exploring the architectural beauties: in the vicinity there are perfectly preserved buildings from the Neolithic era, and in the city itself there are ruins of a Roman temple and medieval cathedrals.

For the most delicious seafood, it is better to go to Faro, from where excursions to the south of Portugal usually begin. It is convenient to enter the port restaurants directly from the beach, awarded the Blue Flag.

Obidos is a small and very cozy town: snow-white villas, cobblestone paths, bright flower beds seem to have come out of a beautiful postcard. There is also a place for sights here: the medieval castle alone is worth it, where, if you wish - and have a sufficiently thick wallet - you can even spend the night. And Setúbal is famous for both picturesque landscapes and ancient architecture: fortresses and cathedrals against the backdrop of mountains - an incredible sight.


The territory of Portugal is located in two time zones: UTC-1 and UTC. The Azores are in the UTC-1 time zone. The rest of the country (for example, the cities of Porto and Faro) is oriented to Greenwich Mean Time. In the summer, the clocks in Portugal are moved forward.

The time difference with Kyiv is -2 hours


Portugal has a subtropical Mediterranean climate: mild, without sharp temperature fluctuations. In the north, due to the Gulf Stream, a maritime climate prevails. Summers are dry and sunny, but not hot (average temperature about +20 ° C, in the mountains - about +18 ° C), winters are cool (from +4 ° C to +10 ° C) and rainy. In the south of the country, it is warm and dry. Average temperatures in January are +5 ... + 10 ° C, in July +20 ... + 27 ° C. Water in summer warms up to +20 ... + 23 ° C.

The best time to get to know Portugal is from May to October: the weather at this time is almost always warm and sunny, rains are a rarity, which means that it will be comfortable both on a walking tour and on the beach. But you should be more careful with swimming: due to ocean currents, the water on the Portuguese coast is cool. It is better to swim south of Lisbon: there the Atlantic is 2-3 ° C warmer and the difference is very noticeable. North of the capital, most vacationers prefer to sunbathe and enjoy the scenery. Spring is the best time for surfing, but in winter it will rain in the country, although the sun often returns to the south.


There are four types of buses in Portugal: intercity express buses (expressos), local buses (rapidas), so-called carreiras, marked with the “CR” sign (they stop at every intersection), and luxury express buses - alta qualidade. A ticket from Lisbon to Faro on an express bus will cost around 17-35 EUR (4 hours). The bus from Lisbon to Porto takes 3.5 hours, and the fare on it is from 19-29 EUR. By the way, in high season it is better to book tickets in advance. Prices on local routes are affordable, and in summer - even more so. Discounts are often provided for passengers under the age of 26.

The railway connects Lisbon with the south of Portugal. Train trips are longer than express buses, but they are cheaper. There are regional trains that stop at all stops, fairly fast interregional trains, and express trains.


The three main mobile operators in Portugal are Vodafone, Optimus and TMN. Their tariffs, as well as the quality of communication, are approximately the same. The average cost of a SIM card is 10 EUR, you can connect both in branded stores and in ordinary city supermarkets. Incoming calls are usually free, the cost of calls abroad depends on the selected service package. For example, Vodafone has a World tariff: calls within the country - 0.08 EUR, calls to Russian subscribers - 0.29 EUR per minute. The prices of the Optimus operator are higher: 0.55 EUR per minute of a call to Russia.

It is easy to find payphones on city streets. Calls are paid for using Creditofone cards, they are sold in newsstands and communication offices. A minute of conversation with Moscow costs an average of 2 EUR, after 20:00 the tariffs for international communication are reduced.

Free Wi-Fi is available in hotels, shopping malls, cafes, post offices, airports, train stations and other public places. In Lisbon, access points are even equipped in gardens and parks. If desired, you can connect mobile Internet (from 15 EUR per month).


The country's currency is the Euro (EUR), 1 Euro is 100 Eurocents.

It is most convenient to arrive with Euros or exchange money at the airport (most often there the rate is more favorable and the commission fee is lower). Exchange rates at different banks can differ significantly from each other, some commercial institutions do not charge a commission for transactions of less than 30 EUR. In no case should you exchange currency "from hand": street money changers are experienced scammers. In private shops and markets, they sometimes allow you to pay in dollars.

Traveler's checks are accepted everywhere and at a more favorable rate than cash, but the commission is quite high (up to 13%). The exception is American Express checks, which can be exchanged without commission at Amex. Eurochecks with a guarantee card are exchanged at many banks.

ATMs (multibancos) can be found everywhere - both in the provinces and in tourist cities. It is safer to withdraw cash from those installed in bank branches.

Banks are open on weekdays from 8:30 to 15:00, some branches in large cities - until 18:00. ATMs of the national system Multibanco operate 24 hours a day. Credit cards Visa, Amex, Eurocard, Eurocheque, Diners Club, Mastercard are accepted almost everywhere.


High-end hotels prevail in Portugal. Most of them work on a breakfast basis, half board is rare, there is no all-inclusive system. This is explained by the fact that the country has a very tasty and varied cuisine: tourists prefer to try everything in different places, rather than eat at a hotel buffet.

The best hotels are old hotels (pousadas), corresponding to the level of 4-5 "stars". Historical "pousadas" are old castles and fortresses, reconstructed and converted into luxury hotels (there are about 50 of them in total). Staying in them is considered prestigious. There are also regional "pousadas", which are estates or houses built in the architectural style characteristic of this area. Here guests are fed mainly with local cuisine.

There is also accommodation in Portugal for budget tourists. For example, local hostels are recognized as one of the best in Europe: they regularly lead prestigious world rankings and delight guests with hospitality, cleanliness and high quality service. The cost of a bed in a dormitory in Lisbon, Porto or Algarve is from 16 EUR per night. Prices in 2 * hotels in the capital - from 55 EUR, in hotels of a class higher - from 65 EUR per day.

Mains voltage - 220 V, 50 Hz, sockets are standard European.


In Portugal, it is not scary to walk down the street at any time of the day, but it is better not to leave valuables in the car or on the beach completely unattended. You should not carry a wallet in your pocket, it is wiser to hang photo and video cameras around your neck. Cars in the country are almost never stolen, there are no dangerous diseases here, no special vaccinations are required.

In large cities, you can drink water straight from the tap, but in some areas - for example, in the Algarve - it is too salty.

Portugal is located in a seismically active region, earthquakes occur here about twice a year. Another natural hazard is forest fires, so making fires on beaches, in parks and forest belts is strictly prohibited: if you are lucky, you will get a fine, if you are unlucky, you will get a prison sentence. In addition, the local government annually tightens smoking bans: you can light a cigarette only in specially designated areas on the streets and in public catering establishments, the fine for disobedience is 50-750 EUR. But, strangely enough, law enforcement officers are more or less loyal to soft drugs. You can buy "weed" right in the center, but in 90% of cases it will be a low-quality fake. And loyalty is loyalty, but you should not be impudent and demonstratively smoke a joint in the middle of the avenue.

Useful telephone numbers: ambulance, police, fire department: 112, rescue service (emergency): 115, emergency roadside assistance: 308, information service: 118, information for tourists: 0-800-296-296.


In Portugal, all beaches are municipal. For two sunbeds and an umbrella you will have to pay from 8 EUR per day. However, wealthy tourists (and others practically do not go to the country) this does not scare them. On the Lisbon Riviera and in the Algarve - fine white sand, on Madeira the beaches are pebble or artificial. Flags warn about the state of the ocean: red - the sea is rough and swimming is strictly prohibited, yellow - you need to be very careful, green - it is safe. The season officially starts on June 15 and lasts until September 15.

The closest beach to Lisbon is in the town of Carcavelos, which does not subside neither day nor night. While the sun is shining, people sunbathe here on the coast: wide, sandy, with a gentle entrance to the water. This is a great place for surfing, picnics and leisurely maneuvering between bars. And at night Carcavelos turns into a fashionable party center: fun in clubs and on the sand lasts until dawn.

The most famous sports beach is "Guinça" in the city of Cascais, not far from the capital. There are always impressive waves and wind here, which is why it attracts surfers, windsurfers and kiters like a magnet. The coast is wide, the entrance is convenient, there are cafes and picnic areas nearby. Adherents of a more relaxed holiday will suit the neighboring "Torre" or "Riberi".

Another famous spot for conquerors of the waves is the picturesque beach "Ribeira da Illa" in the town of Ericeira, which has won the unofficial title of "world surfing reserve".

The southern coast of Portugal is strewn with beaches, one of the most popular resorts in the Algarve is Lagos: here you can make tunnels, and secluded corners for nudists, and equipped recreation areas. Nearby, on the island of Tavira, there is one of the oldest nudist beaches with a cozy atmosphere, clean water and the telling name "Naked Man's Beach". In search of solitude, you should also go to Madeira: for example, on the tiny island of Porto Santo - a 9-kilometer strip of amazing sandy beaches.

You can sunbathe and swim not only on the ocean shore: in the town of Macedo de Cavaleiros, a recreation area is equipped at the Albufeira do Azibu reservoir. The water here is clean, the river sand is snow-white, the beauty of the sunsets is breathtaking, and the Blue Flag is a guarantee of safety.


Divers love Portugal for the amazing beauty of the underwater world, excellent visibility at different depths, a mild climate and developed infrastructure, so even the cool ocean is not an obstacle. The most popular place for diving is Madeira: in the magnificent scenery - among rocks, reefs, underwater caves and sunken ships - a variety of fish and mollusks live.

In the Garaján nature reserve, barracudas, groupers, tuna and manta rays are found, spectacular black corals grow off the coast of Machico, and underwater life at the Reiço Maguç beach becomes more active at night.

Professionals go to the Azores more often: diving here is not easy, but very exciting. Manta rays and whale sharks are found on the island of Santa Maria, blue sharks, whales and dolphins on Pico and Faial, and giant fish of all colors on Corvo.

The Berlengas archipelago is suitable for divers of all levels: here you can watch sea bream and perch, explore caves and sunken ships. Sesimbra with squid, octopus and conger eel is popular with beginners. Many schools are also open in the Algarve: the most interesting things in the local waters are the wrecked ships of the Second World War, as well as steep cliffs, mysterious grottoes and crabs, octopuses and other agile creatures scurrying everywhere.


In Portugal you can buy high-quality and fashionable clothes and shoes, products made of 19.5 carat gold (in Italy, the Emirates and other countries - 18 carat), ceramics, original white or red port wine (from 3-5 EUR per bottle of regular to 30 EUR per bottle of 10-20-year-old drink, then the price increases depending on the aging), the world-famous Portuguese Madeira wine. More details - here: shopping in Portugal.

A traditional Portuguese souvenir is "azulejos": tiles that decorate the walls, known since the times of Arab rule. Also interesting are handmade embroidery and lace, leather and wicker products and, of course, a variety of ceramics made in the "cabbage leaf" style characteristic of the country.

In order not to go broke while shopping in Portugal, it is better to look for sales. In winter (from January 7 to the end of February) and summer-autumn (from August 7 to the beginning of October) discounts on shoes, outfits, souvenirs and other shopaholic delights reach 80%. And in outlets in the suburbs of Lisbon and Porto, prices for products of fashion brands are reduced all year round.

Shops are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 19:00, a break - from 13:00 to 15:00. On Saturdays, all close at 13:00 (in December - at 19:00). Some shopping centers in resort areas are open from 10:00 to midnight.


Portuguese cuisine pleases with hearty and varied dishes of meat, fish and vegetables, but still fish cooking is its main direction. The country's chefs know more than 300 ways to cook cod, they know how to cook many dishes from sardines, mackerel, perch and trout.

Port wine is Portugal's calling card: white is drunk as an aperitif, red - for dessert.
We recommend trying the "cataplana" - a hearty puff pastry dish of meat, fish or seafood, served directly in a frying pan. The most famous of the first is the green soup "caldo verde" from cabbage, onions, potatoes and sausage. Meat eaters will enjoy the "cuisida-a-Portuguese" (a dish whose secret is the strictly controlled sequence of adding different types of meat during cooking) and Alentejan-style pork stewed with shrimp or shellfish. Local fast food is "francesinha" sandwiches: toast with sausage, ham and meat (at the same time!), poured with sauce and melted cheese. The best dessert is "pasteish" cakes, appetizingly sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered sugar.

The strangest Portuguese delicacy is "persebesh": those who are not scared off by its appearance (it resembles an ungulate) and price (it is quite dangerous to extract it from the seabed) will be introduced to an incomparable taste.

Madeira cuisine differs from continental cuisine in an even greater selection of fish and seafood, as well as the wide use of fruits and local spices. The most famous delicacy is swordfish, which is prepared in dozens of ways.

Pregnant women are not recommended to eat dishes made from swordfish.

Portuguese wines are famous all over the world for their exquisite taste. The country produces a huge number of red, white and "green" wines, reminiscent of champagne. The latter earned their name not because of their color, but because of their age. These are young dry wines produced in the northern province of Minho. An exquisite drink with a slight acidity and bubbles perfectly quenches thirst and goes well with many dishes. And port wine is a business card of Portugal: white is drunk as an aperitif, and red - for dessert.

Traditional lunch time is from 12:00 to 15:00. In the Algarve in the summer everything is open almost 24 hours a day. In small cheap restaurants, the food is no less delicious than in expensive ones.

Tips in Portugal do not have an official status, but it is not forbidden to leave 10% of the bill in a restaurant, taxi or cafe.




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