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Khmelnytskyi region
About the resort
Kamianets-Podilskyi is a city that has preserved the spirit of the Middle Ages. Its peculiarity and uniqueness lie in the harmonious combination of the landscape with the urban structure of the medieval city, in which military engineers, using excellent natural properties, created a fortification system that has no analogues in Europe. Although Kamianets-Podilskyi is not a regional center, it ranks third after Kyiv and Lviv in terms of the number of monuments of antiquity and culture. The Kamianets National Historical and Architectural Reserve is one of the oldest in Ukraine. The total area of the reserve reaches 121 ...

Kamianets-Podilskyi is a city that has preserved the spirit of the Middle Ages. Its peculiarity and uniqueness lie in the harmonious combination of the landscape with the urban structure of the medieval city, in which military engineers, using excellent natural properties, created a fortification system that has no analogues in Europe.

Although Kamianets-Podilskyi is not a regional center, it ranks third after Kyiv and Lviv in terms of the number of monuments of antiquity and culture.

The Kamianets National Historical and Architectural Reserve is one of the oldest in Ukraine. The total area of the reserve reaches 121 hectares and includes almost 200 architectural monuments.

Architects and sculptors from Italy, the Netherlands, Armenia, Poland, France, Turkey, etc. contributed their skills to the creation of the unique architectural face of the city in different periods of history.

Today, many tourists express their admiration for the successful combination of the powerful defensive walls of the city, the Old Castle (XII–XVIII centuries) and the high, steep cliffs of the Smotrych River canyon. No less attractive for fortification lovers is the complex of fortifications of the New Castle, built in the 17th century, which is the only surviving example of this type of construction of the Dutch school.

The unique Castle Bridge, which connects the Old Town with the Castle complex, is also of great interest. There are still many disputes about its origin. Some scientists claim that the bridge was laid by the Romans in the II century. during the campaign of Trajan's army to Dacia.

Kamianetska fortress includes eleven towers, each of which has its own name and history. So, for example, the highest tower is called the Papal Tower because it was built with the funds allocated by the Roman Pope Julius II. It is also called Karmelyukova, because the Ukrainian national hero Usty Karmelyuk was imprisoned there three times. In the Black (corner) tower there is a well 40 m deep and 5 m in diameter, hollowed out of the rock. A huge wooden wheel with a device for raising water to the surface is still preserved here.

Expositions have been opened in the dungeons of the Castle complex, reproducing the pages of its history. The defense of the castle in 1672 during the Turkish invasion has been reconstructed in the western bastion. In the eastern bastion there is an exhibition dedicated to the history of light projectile weapons in Podilla, where the visitor can fire a crossbow and feel like a medieval warrior. The system of passages and casemates has survived to our time.

Today, by prior arrangement, you can take part in a theatrical night tour of the Old Fortress. Excursions in the towers and dungeons of the fortress are conducted by the Kamianets "starosta" and his "retinue", who not only introduce visitors to the history of the castle and weapons with interesting stories, songs, and dances, but also create a unique feeling of traveling through time.

Visitors to the museum can also ride horses, shoot with crossbows and bows, and mint a commemorative coin with their own hands. With the agreement of the administration, it is possible to hold corporate events on the territory: concerts, weddings, anniversaries, official dinners, receptions, conferences, advertising and charity events, etc.

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